You would not guess this was going to be a strenuous hike because of the way it starts. First, you're walking on an asphalt path, then it turns into a wide gravel trail. When you reach the fork where the High Shoals Fall Loop Trail connects is where the fun really starts. The last half-mile you gain 550 vertical feet up through boulders and stairs.
It is 1-mile to High Shoals Waterfall. At this junction, you're going to have a total elevation gain of 1237 feet, and once you reach the waterfall, you climb to the back side on some steep stairs and cross the Jacob Fork River then enter an open area with a lone picnic table. From there you follow the blue dots and loop back around for a nice 2.7 hike.
This was just the beginning of Aaron getting his feet wet. Eventually, he would swim in bluejeans and all.
A rather tame portion of the Jacob Fork River, but nonetheless scenic.
There are so many variations to the Jacob Fork River from calm flowing water to massive boulders to rapids, and a course an incredible waterfall!
Coming towards the waterfall, you see two smaller falls cascading down from the rocks at the base of the main waterfall.

High Shoals Waterfall drops 80-feet over granite.
Weighed down with soaking wet bluejeans the hike around the loop became tiresome for Aaron, but the rumble of an approaching thunderstorm made him pick up the pace getting back to the Jeep. Here we took a break and drank some water and ate our trail mix.
Video of High Shoal Waterfall
When I was recording this video, I couldn't help but think of Steppenwolf's song Born to be Wild, especially the opening lyrics of Get your motor running. Head out on the highway. Looking for adventure. In whatever comes our way.
Aaron takes a plunge off a large boulder.
Aaron's forward flip at High Shoal Waterfall